How to Contact the Miami Nation Police Department
Abel Stose,
Police Chief
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (918) 541-1453
Miami Police Department,
Dispatch: (918) 542-5585
Ottawa County Sheriff Dispatch: (918) 542-2806
Mission Statement
"The men and women of the Miami Nation Police Department are committed to the enhancement of the quality of life and lessening the criminal fears of all citizens. Utilizing the authority and safeguard of the Constitution of the Miami Nation, the law and order code of the Miami Nation, we, the members of the Miami Nation Police Department, will work cooperatively with all segments of the general public and government to provide a safe environment and preserve the peace. This partnership is drawn on the premises that our product be one of service to all citizens with special focus toward solving the real and perceived problems within the community. Our remedies and resources shall be from all levels of government working together to accomplish our desired goals, thus, as a Department of, and on behalf of the people of the Miami Nation, we obligate ourselves, all services and functions of the Miami Nation."
The Tribal Police Department is located on P Street in North Miami within the Nation's jurisdiction area. The Police Department is in charge of routine surveillance of all Tribal lands within the Oklahoma jurisdiction boundary, as well as the Tribal headquarters facility. Officers also handle investigations as needed on Tribal lands, and protection of Tribal officials, employees, visitors, casino patrons, tribal property, vehicles and equipment at the Nation's facilities.
Miami Nation Sex Offender Registry (SORNA) Website
The Miami Nation maintains a sex offender registry. The information is made available to the public pursuant to Oklahoma Statutes Title 57 OS 8B-581 through 8B-590, which require all convicted sex offenders to register their current address with the local law enforcement agency.
Visit the SORNA Website